::::Hello 2016::::

Shop This Look

Happy New Year Style Lovers. 2015 was an amazing year full of healing and recovery
Spiritually, Physically and Mentally. Blogging took second place whiles getting myself
together in the above mentions became a priority. Well Hello 2016, the year of growth and
continuation of the lessons learned in 2015.
Thank you to all the amazing companies that I had the opportunity to collaborate with,
all the amazing photographers who made it possible to continue with posting.
And to all the Loyal Readers of Fashberries,
Thank You from the bottom of my Heart
for staying around and enjoying the ride with me.
Your emails and comments put a smile on my face.
Much more surprises in 2016 to share (and rocking my natural hair lol)
Wishing You all an amazing 2016

Dress : DVF (Similar) (budget friendly here)
Scarf :H&M (Similar)